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Ratings and their calculation

Types of Ratings

Battle Chess portal has three types of ratings.
Depending on the time control, i.e. determination of the game length, chosen in a particular game, its result will affect one of three player’s ratings.
  1. LONG — a rating which takes into account the results of all the long games played by a particular player. The game length is indefinite
  2. BLITZ — a rating which takes into account the results of all the medium-duration games played by a particular player. The game can last no more than a month since the beginning.
  3. SUPERBLITZ — a rating which takes into account the results of all the short games played by a particular player. The game lasts from 5 minutes to 24 hours.
Thus, every player can choose the most acceptable and comfortable game speed. Games with computer do not affect player’s ratings

Rating Calculation

The ratings are calculated as follows.

The change in the rating depends on the number of points subject to a game result (N) as well as on the opponent’s rating. A winning gives N = 1, a draw gives 0.5 points, a loss gives 0. The higher the opponent’s rating, the higher rating a player gets in case of winning. The number of points that one player gets in a game are taken away from his/her opponent. Thus, it can be suggested that if a game between a strong and a weak players is a draw, the former’s rating can fall. All the ratings are calculated by our server and change automatically on your page after each game you have played.

A novice gets a rating of 1,550. In detail

For your convenience, battle and classic chess ratings are calculated separately and divided into five levels:

Level Rating Classic Chess Battle Chess
I 1200-1600 I уровень I уровень
II 1600-1700 II уровень II уровень
III 1700-1800 III уровень III уровень
IV 1800-1900 IV уровень IV уровень
V 1900-2000 V уровень V уровень
VI 2000-... VI уровень VI уровень

Team Rating Calculation

A team rating is a simple average of its participants' ratings.

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